Davide Pietrafesa

☀️ PhD program in Materials for Health, Environment and Energy
☀️ Laboratory of Structural Biology and Bioinformatics


Lab. of Structural Bioinformatics (378H)

Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1

00133 Rome (RM)

Hi there, I'm Davide, but you can call me Dave! I'm a PhD student in Computational Chemistry and Structural Biology at University of Rome "Tor Vergata".
My PhD project involves characterizing a model for the protein HuR (Human antigen R) with the aim of developing RNA drug inhibitors. This work is crucial for advancing our understanding of RNA interactions and could potentially lead to significant breakthroughs in drug development.
In my spare time, I am a reader of thrillers, I love winter, and I'm definetely a cat person. Besides biology and bioinformatics, another one of my great passions is Greek mythology!

Why Cidoimo? Who is Cidoimo? In Greek mythology, Cidoimo (Κυδοιμός) was one of the Makhai, the spirits of battle. Specifically, he was the god of the noise of battle, confusion, commotion, and tumult. To be honest, I really relate to this figure, primarily because of the confusion that reigns in my life, and also, even though I consider myself introverted, there's always that extroverted side of me that takes over and pushes me to exceed my limits!


Aug 18, 2024 Jul 12, 2024 : Tutorials for MD simulation and VMD visualization are online! :sparkles: :smile: